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Q&A Tuesday with Anita Chesterman



The Chesterman Family have been part of the MRP Tribe since the get-go! And have supported the program with passion, integrity, and love ever since. Anita Chesterman is known among the MRP Community for her beautiful artwork series that capture the heart-warming bonds formed from the program.


Q: What motivated you to get Matty involved in the MRP?

A: "We desperately wanted Matty to be a part of a team sport but most sports clubs were ill-prepared for our questions and Matthew's needs. We tried a soccer programme for kids with special needs. We found the experience disheartening with the program disorganised and no sense of community being well beyond our local area, we went once and started looking for other options. It was at this time Megan made contact with Windsor School looking for participants for her new pilot program of rugby, MRP.   Neither Andrew nor I knew anything of rugby (Andrew an AFL Melbourne boy) but it seemed to be a good idea. It has changed our lives! (and we now know the difference between Union and League and follow both passionately)."

Q: How has the MRP positively impacted the Chesterman family? 

A: "The MRP has introduced us to Rugby, has created friendships and support networks for both Matthew and the rest of the family.  Emily is a mentor and has equally made awesome friends.  We are a part of a Saturday team sport, we are members of a club, and we have a like-minded community."

Q: Describe the bonds that both Matty and you, as a parent, have formed with members of the MRP Tribe. 

A: "We call the initial team members of MRP “the originals”; they are such important people in our lives now, mentors, players and families.  With every New Year, the friendship circle has expanded and more special relationships formed. These are people who get the complexity of our life and are happy to accept us as we are. The bonds that have been made are so special and important for now, the future, for Matthew and the family and for a very long time." 

Q: What does the artwork series that you generously create and donate towards the MRP mean to you?

A: "The artwork I have and will continue to do each year is a way of giving back to the MRP.  Each piece aims to capture the importance of special friendships.  I feel very honoured to be asked to do each piece and overwhelmed at the very positive response each has had." 


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